Kamis, 17 November 2011


Let’s speak English

Okay, why are you say if the English lesson is so difficult ??? and I know your trouble, and make it special and fun. The first I want to tell their opinion about the English lesson, My teacher’s opinion are MR. Ridwan Nurpalah,S.Pd from teacher of English language, Mrs. Dewi Rikma from teacher of Indonesian language, and Mrs. Iis Aisyah,S.Pd  from teacher of Sudanese language. They say :
The English lesson is art, the function of art to be enjoyed.  For those who like learning English because they enjoyed it, and the English lesson is the best fenomena in the future of the world.  The first modul of study in the English lesson is the power of communication and your spirit to do it, and you must crazy.” By Mr. Ridwan Nurpalah,S.Pd (teacher of English language)
English language is the second language after Indonesian language in our country. You must study it, if you don’t understand about it. You will difficult to follow the world knowledge.” By Mrs. Dewi Rikma (teacher of Indonesian language)
Some language must have the power of communication and English language is one of some language, English language is International language and you must know to study it since from children.” By Mrs. Iis Aisyah,S.Pd (teacher of Sundanese language)
The English lesson is very very easy, you know !!  Tell me why are you say if the English lesson is so difficult  ??? May be your trouble are :
-          Not understand about your teacher’s explain
-          Lazy to listen
-          Lazy to write a note
-          Have the negative thinking about  the English lesson
Okay, and I have a opinion from my best friend about the English lesson
English is the language  of interest, and my favorite included primarily about the songs that speak English.  Let alone the song is touches my heart. So. It don’t get bored to listen and memorize it.” By Irfan Ahmad Zulfikar (the student of Junior High School 33 )
That’s good idea, I’m very keen on it, Irfan’s opinion is true.  If you still don’t understand, how to make me understand and love about the English lesson ??
I have the answer of the questions are :
-           Listening to music
Besides relaxing to music, you must be smart to take advantage of these songs, choose songs that speak English, and learn the pronunciation of music that you hear.

-          Study hard and fun
Study harder but still fun, with exchange opinion about the English with friends, studying regularly and don’t be afraid to try something new

-          Speaking
Speaking in the terms of conservation is one of the main capital in conversational English.  This is very pleasant thing you try, don’t be afraid and focus on your mind, and relax on your goal, good luck

-          Expression
Expression is matter that supports the course of communication, because the expression   is needed in the terms of communication. Example : “Mom, he is hitting me !!” with an angry expression

-          Listening
Listening is a common thing we do, like listening to music, English conversation, etc.
If you do it full of hard study and focus, you will have of a goal you wish, and you must know Mr. Ridwan’s opinion about her opinion is “you must crazy” is that you must crazy about the English language
I hope this article can help you for progress of your English, thank you very much and good luck.
Biodata Penulis
Nama                : Yos zania
Kelas                : 9C
Sekolah             : SMP NEGERI 33 Bandung
TTL                   : Bandung, 14 Desember 1997
Alamat             : Jl. Pagarsih, Gg Mukalmi RT 05 RW 03
No Hp               : 08987141252
e-mail              : zaniayos@yahoo.co.id
hobby               : Mendengarkan music, menulis puisi
Cita – cita         : Duta kemanusiaan, dan Ahli Bahas

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